NWERC 2020, which was supposed to be last November, will be on 2021-03-28. The registration deadline is 2021-03-16. Link: https://www.nwerc.eu/
The best teams qualify for the ICPC World Finals, one of the most prestigious programming contests.
Usually NWERC is an onsite contest, i.e. you would travel to a contest location somewhere in northwestern Europe, but due to the current situation it will be fully online.
It will be very similar to the GCPC last November, but generally the tasks are more difficult.
There are several rule changes compared to previous NWERCs: Each team member may use their own computer and you do not have to physically meet your team or anyone else.
You may also copy arbitrary code from the internet or anywhere else, but have to provide a link to the source in your code.
The contest is 5 hours long and has about 10-12 tasks, which are algorithmic in nature and comparable to GCPC or the competitive programming lecture.
In a team of three people, you should try to solve as many of them as possible.
Allowed languages include C++, Python 3 and Java.
There is a restriction of at most 3 teams per university.
Therefore, if more than 9 people are interested, we may have to do a quick a qualification contest.
However, right now it looks like this is not necessary this year.
Please fill out quick poll if you want to participate (today): https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/NWERC2020/